At the service of the community.

The recent Volcanic eruption of May 22, 2021 caused a lot of damage in the city of Goma and more precisely in the territory of Nyiragongo. Houses, fields and farms were burned, the population was dispersed, children were missing, families were divided and from the next day, local, national and international organizations mobilized to help all the affected people by providing emergency aid, building camps, etc. We could even see small groups and associations mobilizing to provide material aid, which could establish strategies to find the lost children.

AGIR RDC did not go far from the context but aimed far in its intervention by launching TWAWEZA SHINDA, a community mobilization project with the victims of Nyiragongo, Buhene and others who went to camp in Mugunga, consisting of sensitizing them through an integrated approach.

To achieve this, in collaboration and support with the community leaders of the intervention sites, discussion groups and peace clubs were created to allow the implementation of the project and to facilitate it, we worked with young volunteers for community animation.

Dynamic, creative, resilient, courageous, these young people facilitate community awareness of the disaster victims through animation exercises that convey the message of peace, environmental protection, hygiene and sanitation.

For people who have suffered trauma, victims of the eruption and all other forms of disaster and violence in the territory of Nyiragongo, our community animators, through the animation sessions are a support, a shoulder of support for them. They learn to free themselves, to manage stress, to breathe and together they reflect on different themes and subjects affecting their community.

This participatory and entertaining approach has allowed the beneficiaries to smile again and then give it back to their own through what they learn, motivating them to take over the community.

We are happy and grateful to these young people for their dedication to sustainable development and the rebirth of a more dynamic and educated society.


“The empowerment of women in Nyiragongo; a struggle with many names”


Mental health care for community development.