Balola, the feminine prodigy

The youngest of our staff, she has tried almost everything. But not only that, she has succeeded in almost everything. Today we present you the 7th figure of our campaign #femme_impact.

Fabienne Balola, since she is the one we are talking about, is intrinsically and plurally an artist. And that, in everything.

At first, a theater actress before exploring the cultural world with her talent as a singer, Fabienne Balola remains one of the leading figures of her generation. Between social host, reality show host, slam therapist and chorus girl, she knows how to be present wherever time calls her.

She is a communicator in training. And her desire to deepen her knowledge in her field is no longer to be demonstrated.

We are fortunate to have one of Goma's young hopefuls as an assistant in our communications department. Her energy remains vital to our organization.

We present her to you today. For the pride she brings to us and the hope we have in her, we wish her a happy Women's Month and many opportunities to make an impact in the future.


Dusabe, a smile for everyone


SUHENE, the immersion