BORA, Happiness in Sharing

Our fifth figure in the #womanimpact campaign is Mrs. BORA Francine; married and with a degree in social organization, she is our supervisor in the AGIR-UFEDOC mental health department.

Formerly a literacy teacher, Bora discovered her place alongside people who need to be listened to and assisted, so she decided to become a facilitator of psychological well-being as a counsellor and socio-therapist.

From there, she became a psychosocial assistant before becoming a Project Supervisor in the same field at AGIR RDC.

Through her love for people in search of well-being and fulfillment and her commitment in facilitating our various programs within vulnerable communities, Ms. Bora is a force and a source of energy for our organization.

We wish her a happy life and a good Women's Month.


SUHENE, the immersion


Mireille IKUZWE, the ascent that never ends