Gracias YOTO, the flowering courage

Gracia Yoto is our third leading lady to introduce. Gracia has a degree in Development Management and is our Senior Officer Admin.

Formerly a children's coach, Gracia discovered her passion for humanitarian work with the Friends of Nature Protectors Club, and climbed the ladder from coach to Senior Officer, passing through the position of Head of Training and then Head of the "Training" project.

She discovered AGIR after the volcanic eruption of May 22, 2021, when she was contacted as a volunteer to identify the sites that were full of disaster victims, a call that she answered without hesitation for the good of humanity before becoming head of the administration and finance department.

Married and mother of a child, Gracia loves her work and proves that her child cannot be an obstacle in the exercise of her work and comes to work every day without complaints or excuses.

For her love for children, for her work, for happy people, her ability to convince, we are grateful to have her among us and wish her much success and more prosperity.


Mireille IKUZWE, the ascent that never ends
