Mireille IKUZWE, the ascent that never ends

In her twenties, with a willingness to learn that matches her ambitions, we present to you today our fourth figure of the #Femmes_impact campaign. Mireille IKUZWE, as she is, is a young researcher in Public Law and a lawyer in training.

Too much inclined towards governance and gender issues, she has notably exercised the formative functions of Coordinator of the Student Cabinet of the University of Goma in concomitance with the responsibility of Gender Referent within the Student Support Program (P.A.E).

This allowed her to be, despite her young age, at the center of the organization of several events such as colloquiums and round tables on governance and gender issues.

Today, after having worked as a Field Officer in our Twa Weza shinda project, Mireille Ikuzwe is the Senior Monitoring Officer within our organization.

For her willingness to be the solution to the problems of the different beneficiary communities of our projects, for her willingness to learn on a daily basis to amplify her impact, we wish her a lot of energy and success.


BORA, Happiness in Sharing


Gracias YOTO, the flowering courage