The oldest member of our staff, Ms. Nsimire Jeannette has a degree in clinical psychology and over 30 years of experience in the field of mental health. She is our second face of the #Women's Impact campaign.

She is an example of strong resilience in the field of psychology; inspired by her personal experience of having faced cases of sickle cell disease in her family as a mother, she finds joy in helping other women victims of all kinds of violence. For this reason, she has travelled throughout the provinces of North and South Kivu as well as Ituri to offer her hand to anyone who wanted to grasp it and feel comforted. From nurse to project coordinator, psychotherapist assistant, psychosocial assistant, visionary of some Christian women's associations, Mrs. Nsimire Nyenyezi has been at the rescue of hundreds of women for more than 30 years.

Today she is the coordinator of the UFEDOC Project for the promotion of the rights and empowerment of domestic workers, and supervisor of the psychological care component of the Twa weza shinda project with the victims of the last volcanic eruption.

For his commitment, devotion, and transformative listening, we are proud to have her on our staff. We wish her good health and more prosperity.


Gracias YOTO, the flowering courage


Modestine ETOY