Empowering vulnerable Congolese through local knowledge and local means

Decades and billions of dollars of aid have yielded an underwhelming performance in Congo. The need for innovative and impactful intervention is imperative.

AGIR provides the precision, accountability, and impact that only comes with a small local organization. The organization is the intersection of innovation, committed locals, global do-gooders, and inspiring stories of ordinary Congolese.

Depuis l'accentuation de la crise humanitaire par l'arrivée d'une nouvelle vague des familles déplacées au début du mois de février 2024, nous avons lancé une campagne de solidarité en vue d'agir pour soulager les peines de ces familles pour la plupart en détresse. Jusqu'aujourd'hui, nombreux continuent à témoigner de leur solidarité en envoyant leurs contributions sur nos numéros mis en ligne. Vous pouvez suivre l'évolution de vos contributions grâce à ce graphique. Merci énormément à ceux qui, sans cesse, se mobilisent.

La désolation après une tempête à Bulengo.

Le 14 mars dans l'après-midi, une tempête d'une grande violence a frappé la ville de Goma et ses environs. Les quartiers de Mugunga et Lac Vert ont subi d'importants dégâts. Le camp de déplacés de Bulengo, situé près du lac et construit de manière précaire, a été particulièrement affecté : plus de 30% des habitations précaires et des équipements des organisations humanitaires ont…

En Avoir plus….

  • Response to the eruption of Mount Nyiragongo

    Months have passed and hundreds of families have fallen through the cracks of the governmental and international response. In addition to abject poverty, thousands of displaced people face urgent needs. AGIR steps in to fill the void.

  • Incubating a local NGO that protects and empowers domestic laborers

    Domestic workers are routinely abused and exploited. UFEDOC is a fledging NGO that is empowering and unionizing domestic workers in Goma. AGIR is assisting UDEFOC as it tries to find stability and become a role model NGO in the Congolese space.

  • Organizing emergency relief in a humanitarian crisis.

    The eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been plagued by persistent conflict for over three decades, resulting in frequent population displacements. Despite this situation, no contingency mechanism has been put in place. AGIR RDC intervenes to provide assistance to…

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Nyiragongo in shock again

Around 2:00 a.m., while it was still dark, the region was attacked by "alleged M23 rebels". Total panic, in the cold, the families scattered; the men from their wives, the children from their parents. Until dawn, some rushed to the homes of relatives in the city of Goma…

This indispensable work that we ignore

This is the working climate in many houses and public and private administrations. The presence of domestic workers is essential for the balance of work anywhere, to the point that their absence handicaps all work from small support services to the highest officials…

Intervene at any cost

In the middle of the night, everything changed! We heard the sound of bullets here and there, bombs rang out: "We are under attack, we must flee. In panic, a multitude of inhabitants of Kibumba, men, women and children alike, fled, heading 25 km down…

“In the 30 years I’ve lived and worked in Congo, I have not seen a more dynamic team with a stronger track record than the talent assembled at AGIR-RDC. They are raising the bar for a new generation of Congolese change-makers.”

— Judy Anderson, Executive Director, Act for Congo

Distance does not have to be a limitation on your impact.

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