Jacinthe Banyanga Maarifa
Senior Mobilization Officer
My goal in life is to lead and motivate people to be the change they want to see in the world through the development of their potential.
22 years old
Université de Goma
Bachelor of Political and Administrative Sciences
Expected graduation: December 2021
Specialty: Political and Social Communication, Social Animation, Project Writing, Written and Spoken Arts (Slam)
Work summary
With my experience, I work to maximize the impact of AGIR-RDC's work in the communities through the Mobilization Department that I coordinate. For AGIR’s flagship project—Twaweza Shinda—I manage a team of twenty field volunteers and our relationships with stakeholders on the ground.
My work consists of organizing activities of sensitization, days of reflection, offering legal support to the beneficiaries of AGIR, and training and advocacy on the intersecting themes of health, law, environmentalism, entrepreneurship, protection of the child, peaceful cohabitation and gender.
Fun facts
Favourite food: Potatoes & Cabbage
Favorite drink: Water
Favorite sports team: TP Mazembe
What is your favorite sport to do: Football
Favorite word: Resilience
Favorite color: Black-White
Favorite experience with children: Games and songs
Before I die, I would like to share the little knowledge I have with as many people as possible, I would like to leave a legacy of knowledge.

Education and training
Several training sessions on social entrepreneurship – Pole Institute
A training on peaceful conflict resolution and social communication – Rwandan NGO UMUSEKE
Several training sessions on education and political commitment of youth as a mechanism for change during emergencies – Pole Institute
Training on political governance for a federal state in Africa – Prof Ka Mana and Pole Institute
Training on decentralization and local governance – Adenauer Foundation and Pole Institute
Societal issues
Training on elections as a barometer of democracy – Conteepart
Training on approaches to fight against exclusion and extreme poverty in the face of human rights violations – ATD Fourth World and the Joseph Wresinski Foundation
The arts
Cultural entrepreneurship training and networking – Congo Film International Festival
Social Justice Photography Training "Decomposing and Recomposing the Colonial Image" – Yole Africa
Other experience
Secrétaire Générale
« Voix des Jeunes pour la paix » asbl, dès Avril 2021
programme « Slam à l’école » avec le consortium AVSI, VIS-RDC financé par la Coopération Italienne, exécuté par le collectif Goma Slam Session
Cellule Kopax « Conscience Congolaise pour la paix » /Goma
Concepteur et Formateur
module Philosophie culturelle et auto-détermination de la femme artiste dans le cadre du projet Slamothérape avec l’ONG VIS RDC et le collectif Goma Slam Session
Entrepreneur et Administrateur
l’agence Lux Africa
Chargé de communication
Goma Slam Session
Chargé de communication
Vam Asbl
Consultant en communication
la Société Civile environnementale du Nord-Kivu
“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
— Quote source
“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.”
— Quote source
“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.”
— Quote source
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